America, prepare for the next stage of gaslighting

If you are unfamiliar with the term “gaslighting,” becoming acquainted with it should be your highest priority. Because it is being used against you on a national scale. And it’s about to get worse.

Read why on Todays Rant: America, prepare for the next stage of gaslighting.

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Outbreak evolution for the current 10 most affected countries

What’s worse than a racist?

James Hitchcock (@jehitch) Tweeted:Facebook value plummets $56B as advertisers flee

If you are cool w/ hate as long as it’s profitable, you’re worse than racists: you’re the guy who sold rope to Night Riders, but too cowardly to actually slip it over someone’s head & pull the other end.

Choose one:

A. Trump’s a goddamned lying coward
B. Trump’s cabinet is incompetent
C. Trump’s a traitor
D. All of the above.

“Facing strong criticism from Democrats, Trump said on Twitter that neither he nor Vice President Mike Pence had been briefed on the classified assessment. Trump also tried to cast doubt on a New York Times report that said he had been told about the matter.”

“Nobody briefed or told me, @VP Pence, or Chief of Staff @MarkMeadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians, as reported through an ‘anonymous source’ by the Fake News @nytimes,” Trump wrote. “Everybody is denying it & there have not been many attacks on us…..”

Graphic Short Story The Copy Editors

Comics,socio-political,commentary, comic books, critiqueExploring how history is written (or edited) by the victors, “The Copy Editors,” written by James Hitchcock and illustrated by Joe Williams, predicted exactly what happened when McGraw Hill recently reframed the capture of Africans for use as slaves as “migration” of “workers” in a history textbook.

This time they were called on the carpet for this whitewash of a horrific crime, but how many times have they gotten away with it?

Read the Future. Read Makabre

The Goal of Capitalism is Always At Odds With the Goal of Democracy